

DupScout for Windows

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 15.7.14
  • 1.5

  • Security Status

Track down duplicate files with DupScout

Managing your hard drive can be tricky enough for personal computer users, or sometimes a real issue that requires maintenance time for businesses. Storage space is often taken up by duplicate files, especially when you have multiple users transferring files from one place to another, keeping their own copies. Tracking them all down to clean house is easier with software like DupScout, which has a free trial.

Search and eliminate duplicates

DupScout is a very simple program, it searches a computer or network for duplicate files, which have the same name and contents. DupScout can search local disks, network shares, NAS storage devices and enterprise storage systems, allowing the user to then manage those rogue files. If you don?t wish to make changes until you?re sure, you can simply print a report of these duplicates and show them to users who may want to keep the files. Otherwise, they can be deleted, moved or replaced with links, to make them easy to find again. Reports can be exported in many formats, even pie charts.

Many tools but just one use

DupScout is really good software, for one simple task. It may only be worth paying for the full version if you find yourself clearing out duplicates on a regular basis. The tools are impressive, but they effectively just do this one thing.

DupScout encuentra por ti los archivos duplicados, esos que sólo ocupan espacio en el disco duro y son fuente de confusión a la hora de buscar las versiones correctas de los documentos. Haz clic en Duplicates para que DupScout se ponga manos a la obra.

Una vez definidas las carpetas de búsqueda, las excluidas y el tipo de comprobación de firma, DupScout escaneará el disco en busca de clones. Los resultados se muestran en la tabla del programa, con un indicador del espacio "malgastado" y la cantidad de duplicados.

Llegado el momento de la acción, DupScout no se queda corto: podrás reemplazar los duplicados con accesos directos, moverlos a otro directorio y, por supuesto, elimininarlos. Y antes de proceder, DupScout ofrece una vista previa de la limpieza; de esta forma, es mucho más difícil que metas la pata.


  • Get a free trial for a month
  • Find and remove unnecessary duplicate files


  • May be overkill for this one task
  • Interface could look nicer

Program available in other languages

DupScout for PC

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 15.7.14
  • 1.5

  • Security Status

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